Whether you have a dental emergency or want to improve your smile, the team at Thomas & Thomas Dental Associates are here to help you, advise you and reassure you. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality of oral health in the most gentle, efficient and enthusiastic manner possible and will do everything possible to make you feel comfortable during your visit.
BDS, MFDS RCPS (Glasgow), MJDF RCS (Eng)
GDC no: 102347
In 2006, Sonu moved to the UK and registered with the GDC. He completed further training with Dr Nantheesan as his mentor at the practice, 129 Whitegate Drive, in Blackpool. He has since completed a one-year course in Cosmetic Restorative Dentistry from UCLan, gained membership of both the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDS RCPS), and of the Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MJDF RCS).
Sonu purchased the practice with his wife, Rose in June 2017. He is currently studying an MSc in Dental Education, alongside his clinical and administrative duties at Thomas & Thomas.
In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, photography and playing his Guitar.Sonu Thomas qualified as a Dentist in 2000 from University of Kerala, India. He completed a master’s course in Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry and registered as a specialist in that discipline in 2004. He spent the following years practicing as a Specialist Paediatric Dentist.
BDS, MSc (UCLan), MFDS RCPS (Glasgow), MFDS RCS (Eng) MJDF
GDC no: 109430
Rose Thomas qualified as a dentist in 2000 from Dr MGR Medical University, India. She spent the following years working in general dental practice and orthodontics. In 2006, Rose moved to the UK and registered with the GDC before undertaking further training with Dr Jim Benson as her mentor at 307 Lytham Road, Blackpool.
Rose has obtained membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDS RCPS), as well as membership of the Joint DentalFaculty, Royal College of Surgeons of England (MJDF RCS). She has since completed her Masters in Endodontology from UCLan.
Rose purchased the dental practice with her husband, Sonu, and has taken the role of Practice Partner and Dentist. She welcomes private referrals from other practitioners for endodontic (root canal) treatments and works as a part-time Senior Clinical Teacher in Endodontology, alongside her clinical and administrative work at Thomas & Thomas.
Outside dentistry, Rose enjoys spending time with her family and baking cakes.
Dr K Nantheesan qualified from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1986. Having worked as an Associate in Hull and Croydon, Dr Nantheesan bought what is now the Thomas & Thomas Dental Practice practice in 1988.
Over the years he has been an Educational Supervisor for newly qualified dentists and a member of the Local Dental Committee for Blackpool since 2000.
In 1999, Dr Nantheesan was awarded membership of the Faculty of General Dental Practice.
He sold the practice to Dr and Mrs Thomas in 2017, but he continues to practice general dentistry.
Associate Dentist
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Dental Therapist - GDC number 262012
Kim qualified with diplomas in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy at the Greater Manchester School for Dental Care Professionals. Prior to this she studied Biomedical Sciences, receiving aBSc (hon) from the University of Manchester.
Kim began her career in dentistry in 2014, first training as a dental nurse with Teeside University before going on to train as a Dental Hygienist and Therapist.
After completing a 12-month foundation training programme with Health Education England, Kim now works full time across four practices. She prides herself on providing thorough yet gentle hygiene treatment and high-quality restorative treatments.
In spare time Kim enjoys arts and crafts, cooking, baking and dog walking.
Practice Manager
Claire started out her career in travel & tourism, she then joined the NHS 12 years ago and has never looked back. Claire has gained invaluable experience and knowledge of working with the public within a healthcare setting.
Claire comes from Blackpool and is very proud of her hometown, and loves working with the local community to help improve oral health and education.
She has been Practice Manager of Thomas & Thomas Dental Associates for almost 5 years and during this time many exciting changes have happened, and the practice has grown from 3 to4 surgeries.
In her spare time, Claire enjoys spending time with her family and running (at least twice a week more if time permits!). She has entered many fun runs and has raised money for local charities in the process.
Dental Nurse Trainee
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Dental Nurse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Dental Nurse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Dental Nurse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.